If a "Pass" decision is determined after initial research: Change suitability status to "Pass" for all applicable TINs. This report provides applications submitted within a date range. Also send Letter 5899C, (select from drop-down Prisoner Suspend Firm) to the provider if more than one person is on the application. Please reference IRM, Unauthorized Access and Disclosures of Returns or Return Information, for unauthorized disclosure procedures. When information is received that an individual is deceased, move personal suitability of the deceased individual to Incomplete if it is not already in that status due to system update. When the IDT Research group receives a referral or suspects circumvention, take the following actions: Research and determine if there is an opened ESAM case. Because of this, a case is not generated. When using the VineLink website, click on the state in the map, then open the Search and Register tab to search for the inmate. Individuals will be required to provide documentation for verification when SSA shows citizenship code hit on ASAP. See IRM, Initial Suitability, if this is a new application for an additional office. Use the chart below for working IDT Indicator action codes: Open an Incident annotating EFIN, action code and case ID in the description field, escalate to the IDT Research Group. The firm may or may not know that this individual has been denied, suspended or expelled from participating in the e-file Program. and the issue in the original letter is resolved, pass the appeal. Enter comments to show correspondence was undeliverable. ASAP will check new applications for any individuals citizenship code on the DM1 of the National Account Profile (NAP) to ensure all individuals subject to suitability are either US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs). If there is a United States Postal Service (USPS) National Change of Address (NCOA) which indicates a new address on the correspondence, change the mailing address on the application and indicate in comments that this is being done based on USPS NCOA and reissue correspondence. Notate your findings in the comments section of the recommendation (complete application research to determine all instances of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in question. contain LITC in the Doing Business As (DBA) name - usually at the end. Enter your information in the application . Suitability Checks for PTIN, EFIN - General Chat - ATX Community 2007-38, 2007-1 C.B. If an EFIN is compromised, we will attempt to contact the firm, inactivate the EFIN, issue a new EFIN and notify the firm in writing. Andover e-help Desk will take the appropriate actions to sanction the provider using normal procedures which include entering an appropriate eligibility date. Continued or additional level one infractions incurred, after the service has brought the level one infraction(s) to the attention of the provider, may constitute a level two infraction. EFINs that are not on this extract are not able to e-file and will receive a reject code error message. Proc. This means a streamlined process and less time spent dealing with each individual client, which means you can instead focus on expanding your business. Provider Status "Testing" is currently not in use. If the provider option was placed in "Dropped" status due to EFIN clean-up, see IRM Electronic Filing Identification Number and Electronic Transmitter Identification Number Clean-up. To reactivate the EFIN the ERO must contact an e-help Desk assistor. (25) IRM - added information about uploading documentation due to a new application that is available. The designated TE must contact the National Account Manager (NAM) if an applicant and/or provider assigned to a corporate national account does not pass suitability before any action is taken and a letter sent. Suitability letters may require a second level of review and will have appropriate notations in the application comments that indicate that a specific letter was reviewed and mailed. Comments must be entered by the assistor via EUP. Research previous business rules, letter history and comments to see if the issue has been included in a previous letter sent within the last 45 days. There may be times when the IRS is notified, or uncovers, through internal sources for example CI, RICS, and RAAS (Research, Applied Analytics & Statistics) that an EFIN has been compromised by either advertent or inadvertent actions. An EFIN is a six digit number assigned by the IRS to a business or organization (it can be a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other entity) admitting that entity into the IRS e-file program and making it an IRS Authorized e-file Provider empowered to originate the electronic submission of returns to the IRS ("ERO" or "Electronic The letter will advise if they provided enough proof to either overturn or sustain the decision. Close the case in EHSS using the solution for Fingerprint Adjudication of "Pass" , "Fail" , or "CD" , then prepare the recommendation based on the outcome using the cover sheet. ASAP-Z-Freeze triggered when an ASAP result of Z freeze is returned for that specific EIN or SSN. These issues must be addressed in any correspondence or telephone contact. The three EFIN statuses are "Active" , "Inactive" and "Dropped" . I haven't gotten in anymore trouble since my conviction and is a productive citizens. This action will cross-reference the account where the return is posted. The appeal will be denied if not received timely (use the postmark date shown on the envelope to compare to the letter date). An official website of the United States Government. Other individuals within the company may want to apply for one to bolster the firm's professional success. Upon concurrence of "Fail" decisions by management, see IRM, Procedures for Rejecting and Sanctioning Firms and Individuals. When a firm has a data breach, it is necessary for the EFIN to be inactivated to protect revenue for the IRS. Level 2 will add comments in the EHSS Incident explaining why the applicant does not qualify as a Large Taxpayer and refer the Incident back to the ANSC Lead Group. Comments will be automatically added to the "Application Comments" screen showing letter sent. If there is a principal on the application, state "You are not a Software Developer, please update the e-file application with the correct Provider Option. If providers indicate they are not liable to file a particular IMF/BMF return because there were no employees, they are not required to file based on income or are no longer liable to file the return, complete research via IDRS and other tools such as IAT, CC IRPTR, etc., to ensure that the providers claim is correct. See IRM, Procedures for Incarcerated Individuals on Active Applications. Attach the original record of arrest and prosecution and appeal to Form 14632, Electronic Filing Suitability Scheme Development Center, Northern Area Referral. Enter the individual(s) name in the Search By Name feature. Individuals in Recheck can't submit additional locations. Andover e-help Desk will use the e-file sanction request to request a recommendation from the LDC about the administrative review and appeal. Late filing or late payment history is not part of the criteria however, it may be considered when other ASAP criteria are present. According to IRS Publication 3112, the IRS may suspend or expel a Provider from the e-file program for "violations of IRS e-file rules and requirements that, in the opinion of the IRS, have a significant adverse impact on the quality of electronically filed returns or on IRS e-file." If firm responds, the IDT assistor will review response and take the following actions: If Agree, accept explanation and pass, following the appeal process. This process includes an initial review by the office proposing the sanction and a subsequent review by the IRS Independent Office of Appeals for suspensions and expulsions. (35) IRM - clarified procedures regarding ETIN types as they were incorrect. E-help assistors can provide "Yes" or "No" response to a telephone inquiry requesting verification as to whether a business or organization is a provider. This report provides a count of ETINs in use and available. Must select only ERO as a "Provider Option" . A Software Developer creates software for the purposes of: A Reporting Agent must be an accounting service, franchiser, bank or other entity that complies with Rev. Do not provide the link unless necessary - refer them to their letter for the link. FBI result may not always be an exact match. These cases will be generated as the information is received, firm and/or personal suitability will systematically move to Recheck, continuous suitability issues will post as a primary issue business rule and are notated in the description. Update "Application Comments" stating that the letter was sent and why (e.g., fingerprinting needed, TOAs not signed, etc.). Your EFIN is not transferable. Sanctions may restrict or revoke the e-file privileges of a provider. If the application is not revised within 30 days, issue letter referencing the telephone conversation and update case to Suspend. The firm will need to answer, "Do you own or operate website(s) through which taxpayer information is collected, transmitted, stored, or processed?" Note: In your application you are asked what kind of service you will provide. Applicants select the provider options that apply to the service or role they will perform. The IRS sets suitability standards to screen and monitor applicants to ensure that they maintain a high degree of integrity and adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards. See IRM, Undeliverable Suitability Letters. Update the personal suitability to "Recheck" . ECDS, maintained at the Enterprise Computing Center in Martinsburg, WV, is a database that is used to store all application information. The assistor will update comments with decision from the Review Board. Proc. The results of the EIN validation can be checked manually using IDRS command code (CC) RFINK, definer R and the EIN of the reporting agent. A case is generated when specific transactions appear on a tax account that would impact suitability. The system will download the SDN list on the 1st and 15th of each month from the Dept. An applicants suitability to participate in the e-file program is governed by Rev. If there is proof that a current provider listed as Large Taxpayer is not acting as a Large Taxpayer such as filing Forms 1040, case should be referred to appropriate Level 2 provider. The current suitability criteria are used to generate a case for the firm and individual. Continuous level two or three infraction behavior, additional level two or three infraction(s) after the service has brought the level two or three infraction(s) to the attention of the Authorized IRS e-file Provider, conviction of a felony crime, ID theft or fraud may be reason(s) for expulsion. Suitability is the process used by the IRS to determine if the firms and individuals listed on applications are appropriate to electronically file. Parameters are date range, EFIN and URL. New issues that did not appear through Business Rule results may be identified through research by the assistor. Andover Leads will receive a case for the hits and assign them to an assistor for research and follow up. (current or expired), Certificate of Citizenship - issued to a person born outside the United States who derived or acquired U.S. citizenship through a U.S. citizen parent. The current Rap Back Subscription status, as well as the Rap Back History, is located on the Personal Rap Back Status tab under Personal Suitability status. This report provides the number of individuals in each professional status category. Allow automated system to update all other statuses and issue the acceptance letter. You may be removed or sanctioned from participation" . A Principal, Principal Consent or Responsible Official with delegated authority can add Principal Consents through the RUP by using the Authorized Users screen. An annual reconciliation is performed by EPSS after the EFIN drop program is completed. Document on the "Application Comments" , "appeal forwarded to SDC" . If they are providing information for a local request, have them fax it to your sections fax number. The designated assistor will: Prepare Form 14632, Electronic Filing Suitability Scheme Development Center Northern Area Referral, Attach IDRS screen print highlighting the TC 91x, Attach the "Application Summary" screen print, Send the case to lead so it can be routed to the Scheme Development Center for review and recommendation. For specific "Pass" or "Fail" instructions, see IRM, Suitability Procedures after Research. Letter 5876C, (select from drop-down Continued Participation (LOI)), responses are not considered appeals and DO NOT require signatures. A Principal, Principal consent or Responsible Official can grant the following authorities to the Responsible Official: Contacts: Person available for the IRS to contact for general questions concerning the firm and application. Suitability checks for new applications are normally completed within 45 calendar days of submission if all necessary documentation was provided and processed. 30 days of initial letter, issue appropriate letters. A level three infraction may result in expulsion from IRS e-file without the opportunity for future participation. MF returns results using ASAP and results are uploaded to the application. The ERO will be unable to participate in IRS e-file until a decision is rendered by OOA. ANSC_Leads includes "Prisoner" , "ID Theft" , "SDN Person" , "SDN Firm" , "Tax Comp" , "Z Freeze" , "-T Freeze" , "Penalty Assess" , "Citizenship" , "SSN Cross Ref" , "Deceased" , "ITIN Deactivation 5882C" , "Ind_Suit_Question_Change" , "Org_Suit_Question_Change" "Rap Back Transaction Failure" , "Rap Back Activity Event" , "Resubmission Required" and "DUT Doc Received" . Information for the "Authorized User" may be changed by using the "Edit" button. When responses are received from individuals/firms about suitability issues, follow the specific procedures for the ASAP literal. Each individual who is listed as a Principal/Responsible Official on the application must be a U.S. Citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence (legal resident alien) at the time they sign/submit their application. When a Power of Attorney (POA) is indicated, Appeals would need a copy of the Form 2848 as the e-file POA is for specific use which is not recorded on the CAF. The system generates a case with the business rule "Prisoner/Convicts" in the work group ANSC_Leads when it finds a match. Continuous suitability cases will not be closed until work on the issue is completed and suitability is updated to "Pass" of "Fail" . See IRM, Procedures for Continuous Suitability Case Processing. EFIN Suitability Check - E-File - ATX Community If the cross-reference SSN is Married Filing Separate and no return has been filed for the individual shown on the "Application Summary" screen, follow the procedures in IRM, No Return Literal. If the deceased individual is a Delegated User remove the Delegated User from the application and enter comment "Delegated user (last name) deceased/removed" . Please provide copies of documentation such as a Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, Green Card, Certificate of Citizenship, or Naturalization Certificate to support your status. If appropriate and specific language is provided, issue the applicable letter. If "Yes" , provide explanation. They may select one or a combination of the following provider options: This option is only available to an assistor. 3.3 c. Melalui akun Twitter @kring_pajak. For any additional questions about citizenship status or documents refer the applicant to the U.S. Wage and Investment Division. Firm and personal suitability status moves to "In Process" . For an EFIN compromised due to identity theft, see IRM, Identity Theft. Delegated User: Person authorized to perform e-file application related duties or access e-services. and the issues are not resolved, letter 5883C/5877C, proposed or recommended sanction, and 5876C, proposed or recommended sanction to firm, if applicable. This report is a listing of canceled Rap Back Subscriptions. Letters can be reviewed by a lead or anyone in the letter review group, Letter is displayed for review and select print letter link to print. This report provides a count of open and closed cases by manager/lead for each business rule. ), create incident in EHSS and escalate to Andover Leads provider group. If the customer continues to have issues after the RICS Data Breach Referral, have the customer contact the SL office. Internal Revenue Service Use the Filing Requirements Code at the bottom of the screen to determine the last filed Form 990, Form 990-EZ, Form 990-PF or Form 1120 POL. If the release date is 0 or a date in the past on the business rule, research the applicable website to determine if the individual is still incarcerated or has been released. The file includes the information sent by Andover plus their case memorandum. If the court enjoins a provider, a Principal or a Responsible Official from preparing returns or other activity, but does not enjoin the provider, Principal or Responsible Official from filing returns, the IRS may sanction the provider but may not revoke the provider's participation in IRS e-file. If the user resubmits the application and documents are needed, the application status moves from "Resubmission Required" to "Submitted Pending Documents" . The credentials for attorney, CPA and EA can be destroyed after they have been entered into the application. Once you locate the company, select profile, then click on company profile and you will see the officers listed under Executives. Assistors will go to "FPC Results" screen and add a comment documenting whether the adjudication resulted in a Minor, Moderate, or Major followed by a hyphen "-" . Confirm that the EFIN generated does not begin with 10, 21, 32, 44 or 53. The misuse of EFINs and ETINs compromises the integrity of IRS e-file and the Authorized IRS e-file Provider program. If the assistor cant validate a "Not for Profit" business activity, add Application comments, send Letter 5881C, Not for Profit Rejection, advising a new application is required. Not for Profit business activities default the application status to "Submitted New" and generates a case with a business rule of NFP EFIN. When assigned any case with the business rule of "Continuous Suitability" , "Prisoner/Convict" , "Date of Death Exists for RO/Contact" , "Rap Back Activity Event" , or "Resubmission Required" , the case will remain on the assistors "My Cases" until completion. If there is more than one person on the e-file application send Letter 5899C, (select from drop-down Prisoner Suspend Firm) to each Principal of the firm. If the application is a valid state government agency, update business rule status from Not Confirmed to "No Hit". If they are providing documentation in response to a request from Andover, it should be faxed to 877-477-0567. The SBSE HQ Analyst will refer suitability issues to Andover e-help Desk. IDT is an issue all employees should be aware of to relieve taxpayers burden and eliminate potential fraud. The assistor will issue Letter 5882C, (select from drop-down Reconsideration Request Review). If the firm had failed, update the eligibility date of the firm with the current date and select "Save" . The types of crimes committed the impact on IRS e-file program. FAQs About Electronic Filing Identification Numbers (EFIN) Open an Incident annotating EFIN, action code and Case ID, escalate to the IDT Research Group. The system requires comments for "Yes" or "No" responses to the suitability questions as described above. E-FIN: Solusi Mudah Mendapatkan Kembali EFIN Pajak yang Hilang - Klikpajak So unless you have done that you will net to get going on your application to be able to e-file at the beginning of the tax season. If no response within 48 hours, proceed as normal and inactivate the EFIN. Check CC IMFOL, CC BMFOL, CC TXMOD, CC ENMOD and CC INTST for pending or posted transactions which would resolve the literal/hit or issue. Update the provider status to accepted and suitability to "Recheck" , if applicable. If a cross-reference SSN is found, check CC IMFOL under the cross-reference SSN for a joint return. This report provides a count of applications in different application statuses based on operations submitted new, submitted revised, submitted reapply and complete. (32) IRM added TRIDOC describing faxing documentation to include all methods of providing documentation together. (16) IRM - updated procedures regarding suitability and working continuous suitability cases to clarify spousal checks. (1) IRM - expanded the definition of electronic return originator to better clarify. Mailing is the other option for providing requested documentation, whether U.S. mail, Fedex, etc. Individuals participating in the e-file Program who have been denied, suspended or expelled and are using another Firms assigned EFIN to continue e-filing returns are circumventing (to find a way around) an e-file rule violation. For CPAs and attorneys, the state, license/credential number and expiration date will populate for up to five credentials. Add comments to "Application Comments" if applicable. If the applicant is filing employment tax returns, continue processing the application. Enter the business's address and phone number. . Small Business/Self Employed (SBSE) Examination completes field monitoring to determine compliance of Providers. When response from IDT Research Group is "No IDT Detected" , continue suitability processing, close Incident and case ID. Specifics for each application type are indicated below. Insert the following paragraph - "We received information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), that indicates you were arrested/convicted for (arrest), on (date) by (arresting agency). See IRM, Providing Requested/Required Documentation. If it has a date, enter it. An injunction is a court order requiring the person or persons to whom it is directed to do a particular act or to refrain from doing a particular act. Delete the Principal/Responsible Official with suitability issues. Send Letter 5876C, (select from drop-down Continued Participation LOI). The eligibility date is also inserted in the denial/suspension letters in the following sentence, "You may re-apply to participate on or after (insert eligibility date) or sooner if you resolve the suitability issue(s)" . If the ZIP code is typed incorrectly, enter correct ZIP code and save. Applying for an EFIN takes an average of 45 days and may involve some complexity, but that does not necessarily mean it is a complicated process up front. File all information in the designated area. Update case action to "Suspend" and input 30 days in "Number of Days to Suspend" . Appeal rights -Suitability Recommendation. When the result of the FPC check is "Duplicate" an Application Case will be generated. If a new address is provided, the letter was reissued and there is no reply after the individual/firm has been in "Recheck" for over 45 days, see IRM, Failure to Respond to Suitability Letters, before issuing the next letter. All reports are generated from the Business Objects Enterprise (BOE). How to Get an EFIN Number | EFIN Application | TaxSlayerPro The Andover e-help Desk assistor will take appropriate actions in the application to sanction the providers as requested in the e-file sanction request from the LDC. IDT Indicator TC 971 with AC 501, AC 506, AC 522 or AC 524. Suitability status will stay in "Recheck" until issue has been resolved, all appeal rights are exhausted or until decision is made by OOA. Audience: Primary users are e-help Desk assistors in Andover, MA, Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, Cincinnati, OH and Ogden, UT campuses. (N-560 or N-561), Naturalization Certificate - issued to a person who became a U.S. citizen after 18 years of age through the naturalization process. Headquarters will provide lists of those convicted of a felony in the last 10 years (usually monthly). Assign to 1120 Waiver Level 2 and Analyst 990 Level 2 based on form type: Employment Code is blank or is NOT equal to "G" or "T" ; or Client Code is NOT equal to "F " or 2, , , , Alien Student - restricted work authorization, Improper use of W-2 indicator by provider, Voluntarily dropped (filers request/deceased provider), IDT Indicator with TC 971 Action Codes 501, 506, 522, 524 appears on the Initial Suitability case, IDT Indicator with TC 971 Action Codes 501 or 506 appears on the Continuous Suitability case. The applicant must designate this person as the "Key Person" on the application. TIP: To . Are you currently incarcerated or have you been incarcerated in a federal or state prison during the last two years? If correspondence or a phone call is received, and the application comments indicate the EFIN has been inactivated because of undeliverable mail: Update the application with the current information the provider has given (e.g., new address). Proc. It also provides links to directly access other sections of the application. Expulsions and Revocations have no eligibility date. If the provider calls after the Undeliverable Mail Indicator is set, then: Update the address and any other information on the application. When cases are generated, they will be assigned to specific workgroups initially. When addressing personal suitability issues and the individual no longer works for the firm, request that they revise their application. EFIN ?? - General Chat - ATX Community Set the Undeliverable Mail Code to "Yes" on the "Firm Information" screen. The revocation of participation in IRS e-file is not subject to the administrative review process as the revocation is based on federal court order and cannot be appealed. Principals and Responsible Officials may be expelled if stolen identities are used to obtain the EFIN and used to e-file returns. If the provided information does not satisfy passing the individual, or sufficient supporting documentation is not provided, the original decision will be upheld. If the individual meets the criteria for an IA, advise the individual to contact Customer Service Department at 800-829-1040 or use our online IA services via IRS.gov to establish the agreement for individual tax issues. YES, ITS COMPLETELY FREE. The period of denial and sanctions are imposed by the level of infraction. If no indication that provider is liable to file, pass and input TC 590 or TC 591 with applicable closing codes. APP_Workflow_Admin includes "Unavailable EFIN" .

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