Similarly, the Patronus will protect its master from any harm. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. You also probably enjoy your own free time and enjoy taking long walks in nature or at the very least, enjoying solitude most of the time. They prefer loose soil and often wreak havoc under gardens where the dirt has been loosened by vegetation. The Patronus has two forms, non-corporeal and corporeal. Every single calico cat can be widely different from the others! 29 Apr 2023 15:31:47 If your Patronus is the lioness, you likely love with such ferocity, no one - not even a lion - would dare mess with you or anyone you love. What is a Patronus? | Wizarding World If you're not familiar, the magical conjurings take the form of spirit animals which protect a witch or wizard from the soul-sucking dementors. The sparrowhawk is a small bird of prey with striking coloring and being a major predator of smaller, woodland birds. Dolphins are well-rounded and intelligent always looking to take charge on a new task. If you are paired with the wild boar patronus, you guard yourself physically and emotionally and tend to protect those around you. The sparrowhawk will shoot from the casters wand, come in close for an attack, and return to ensure its safety. Tiger - Male tigers are some of the most powerful cats in the feline family. It has the athletic personality to boot! If your Patronus is the Chow Chow, the people closest to your heart know the lovable, playful you. Those with a polar bear as their patronus are very adaptable individuals, but stubborn. Those with calico cat patronus are bold and like to try new things to experience the world. Keep well your own counsel, and you may have a blackbird to help protect you in the darkest of times. Tigress - A tigress is a large cat that Dementors will NOT want to cross. . Ravens arent as social as crows and are typically alone inventing clever and cunning ways to get what they want. Borzois are for those with sophisticated taste and were known to be pets for Russian Tsars and nobles for years. Peacocks can handle immense pressure and have strong personalities to challenge others. At breakfast on the morning of his first Care of Magical Creatures class in September 1993, Rubeus Hagrid entered the Great Hall absentmindedly swinging a dead polecat (presumably intended to be eaten by one of the Hippogriffs that were to be the subject of the day's lesson), excited about his new teaching position. With feathers that make up over 60% of their total length, it gets the job done. They often communicate with those in their clans by making a variety of noises, including the laughter they are so famous for. The Unlocking Charm (Alohomora) is known as thiefs friend.. Goshawksare slender with short, broad, rounded wings and a long tail, which helps them maneuver in flight. Those with the polecat patronus are playful or humorous in nature. Bat - "Luck," "happiness," and "transformation" are words that are commonly associated with this animal. A wizarding myth says that Bloodhound Patronuses have alerted their witch or wizard to the impending arrival of the Dementors, making this a one-of-a-kind Patronus to produce. Erumpent patronus types have a short fuse with any threats, but are typically lovable. Borzois like their own space and will become aggressive if they are over-handled mistreated. October 19, 2022 by Celeste Yarnall. Otters are driven by curiosity, but also relationships, as otters are known to be very attached to others in their social groups. Strong and powerful due to their size, the St. Bernard will fight off Dementors and stand by you, come what may. Otter Patronuses are among the rarest of all Patronuses, due to the fact that they are so difficult to produce. Nebelung Cat - A rarer domesticated cat, the Nebelung has been called a creature of the mists. Nebelungs are known to be quiet and reserved, observing human commotion from a safe place up above the chaos. This mostly gentle giant would make a wonderful Patronus, protecting its owner with its amazing strength. The manx is more of a territorial cat that would be perfectly happy spending its days hunting mice and keeping watch. Almost everyone is familiar with how deadly the King Cobra is and knows how precise and powerful their attacks are. Swans are graceful and balanced, but also intune with their emotions and heart. 6 Kingsley Shacklebolt's Lynx. You most likely are closed off with your emotions and elusive at times. A polecat patronus is for those who are playful in nature, and can even be aggressive when need be. How to Find What Your Patronus Is What is My Patronus? Disney Genie vs Fast Pass: Whats the Difference? These birds have been known to be unnerving with their interesting call and the goatsucking mythology that comes with them. Patronus - Polecat. The chill of a Dementor wouldnt slow this Patronus down one bit as it put its hunting skills and talons to use, sending your dark assailant packing. Calico cats are extremely outgoing and bring a certain flare with their feline attitude. Fiercely protective, she still embodies all the traits of the male leopard. Granian patronus also are for those who have a direct path toward their future and want to change the lives of many. Know that you are safe and comforted when in the presence of a borzoi. Keen-eyed and quick-witted, Dementors dont stand a chance against these ferocious fellows! Eagle patronus types will run into battle first to save those they care about and can guide a team to victory. According to Wizarding the most common patronus are the following: But like we said, having a common patronus isnt a bad thing and with over 100 of them, they are all unique in their own way! Occamy Patronuses may seek and thrive on attention but are also commonly very defensive, especially around those they dont know. MuggleNet is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite.Please email us if you have any questions or concerns. 19992023 Mice are incredibly brave for their size, and are intelligent enough to retrieve items to assist in a battle. Rhinos are mighty herbivores that are typically mild and non-aggressive animals unless threatened or in danger, then it will charge. Both Lily and Snape showed their loving and protective nature and willingness to sacrifice anything for others. Bears reserve their inner strength for when it matters most and tend to impress others with their ability to use strategic might. The dun breed of horse is known for its glowing appearance and independent spirit to follow your heart. As one of the truly rarest patronuses, the Unicorn patronus only pairs with those who are the purest at heart. The eagle is a symbol for leadership and courage and are typically paired with those who are fearless. Minks need stable, rich environments to survive, meaning you probably also find comfort in stability. Mole - Moles are small, velvety-furred mammals that live underground. Seal - Seals may often be portrayed as adorable, white, fluffy water dogs. Their senses are sharp so as to easily detect their predators, which are abundant. Regal in form and frame, they love attention and actively seek it out. The thestral patronus is rare and can only be seen by those who have been close to death or witnessed death. Lucky for you, once you have cast a robin as your Patronus, the bird will fight for you like it does its nest. When threatened, they shrink themselves down to detract attention, avoiding confrontation. This is likely to do with Dumbledore's ties to the phoenix Fawkes, but it still . Now that we know what your patronus charm is, we can figure out what does your patronus mean. They are quick and powerful when threatened and usually underestimated. The most common form of Patronus is a stag, but it can take on many different forms, depending on the caster's personality and preferences. 9 Rarest Patronuses in Harry Potter - The stoat patronus pairs well with someone who is lighthearted, and tend to make others laugh with harmless tricks and their wits. Brown Owl- Ah, the trusty brown owl has been selected as your Patronus! Dragonflies are beautiful and magical and are respectable patronus. Note that this is indeed Show more . *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Black Bear - The formidable form of the black bear is often enough to scare away even the bravest of explorers, not to mention Dementors! Though a bat commonly represents fear, the casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow as a person. MuggleNets comprehensive list of Pottermores Patronuses. Marsh Harrier- Marsh harriers are medium-sized birds of prey. It moves through its environment confidently and energetically. The tigress patronus is given to those who thrive being independent, but also know how to take charge and be a leader when needed. Therefore, if you are paired with a wolf patronus, you can rest assured you will be fiercely protected at all costs. In the "Harry Potter" universe, the Patronus charm is among the most mysterious, revealing, and difficult types of magic to master. Blackbirds keep their secrets and will protect yours fiercely. Despite their power, they are calm and sensible animals. Only the most skilled and experienced wizards are able to conjure an Otter Patronus, and even then, it is not always successful. A person with a raven patronus is most likely someone who enjoys their alone time and love to learn. Its actually closer to a ferret or a weasel and is known to cripple its prey by piercing its brains with its teeth before storing it, alive, for a later meal. Therefore, if you have a brown owl patronus, you are intelligent and protective. Your brown hare Patronus will not hesitate to get in a fighting stance and face the Dementors head-on. Those with a rat patronus are very insightful and wonderful problem solvers and make wonderful role models. In fact, chances are you got an annoying and unsatisfying patronus that will now haunt your memories for the rest of time. Theyve even been known to eat humans in circumstances like these. . Stag - The stag is a symbol of strength. The white horse has been known to be connected to the spiritual world, with power and wisdom bestowed upon its partner. Both thrive in complex situations and tend to be the head of the group. Dolphins are playful and social by nature, making them one of the most adored animals. This unusual trait means that they will never let you get lost. Those with a rhinoceros patronus are most likely the humble defender of the group and will do anything to protect their friends and family. That said, a mighty python Patronus wouldnt be likely to back down from a Dementor. They are gentle, humble and ready to spring into action for their owners if needed. Ragdoll cat | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom They often worry about their own and others of their kinds safety. Newfoundland dogs are ginormous teddy bear type dogs that were originally bred to help Canadian fishermen. It may seem intimidating and heartless, but in reality, it is a hyper-efficient beast that knows how to utilize even the barest of essentials. Those with the polecat patronus are often in search of answers and love to learn about the world and whats around them. Thestrals can fly at incredibly fast speeds and have a keen sense of direction. They are one of the few horses that are allowed to be registered by their coloring! They live and hunt in packs/clans and are very social animals. One flap of its 11 ft wingspan is enough to beat even the most determined Dementor flying toward you! Just know that you will always be protected with the shark patronus at your side. If your Patronus is a hyena, Dementors wont stand a chance! If you have an Ibizan hound patronus, you always play on your strengths, which is your intelligence and way to solve problems. A black swan needs to develop, from an untamed youth to a beautiful, powerful swan. Otters are also extremely playful and curious. Related post: Guide to Harry Potter World Tickets 2023. They are courageous and powerful birds, and make for great patronus partners against evil. Swallow- The swallow is associated with love, happiness, protection, and curiously enough, with summer. . Associated with friendship, otters are often found holding hands while sleeping. Field Mouse - Generally small in size, field mice have to rely on their speed and wits to survive. The abilities to create a strong, almost "hypnotic" outer shell for the world, see beneath your own illusion and those of others, and gain strong mental clarity are common traits of the dragonfly. They tend to be introverted, but also the one to stand out in a crowd. Snowy owls, like other varieties of owls, represent wisdom, but the white bird also means a transition may be coming. Bay Mare - "Bay" refers to the color of the horses coat (a reddish brown accentuated by a black mane) and is associated with some of the oldest, most respectable breeds, like the Cleveland Bay. This creature makes a formidable Patronus, attacking Dementors from all three heads, disabling them quickly and ferociously. Rare animals are marked. Wild rabbit Patronuses will throw themselves into the fray and create a barrier between the Dementors and the witch or wizard who cast the spell. Youre diligent and very careful of your surroundings without being pessimistic or overly cautious. Snowy Owl- The snowy owl is traditionally thought to possess strong magic and have insight into the future. Capuchin Monkey - Those who are capable of casting this bubbly and energetic creature may or may not take pleasure in knowing just how much they enjoy their comfort. The oryx is a gregarious animal that thrives in herds of 50-200 individuals. So, what does your patronus say about you? Having an eagle for a Patronus will protect you from any harm Dementors may attempt. Elephants are the most respected animals in the animal kingdom and are known for their strength and grace. All rights reserved. May 21, 2013 An annotated first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is sold at a Sothebys auction for 150,000. You are the person who is reliable, and extremely resourceful. People with this Patronus tend to be good listeners and strive to march to the beat of their own drum. If the herd that lives in the Forbidden Forest is any indication, Thestrals can be extremely loyal to their human friends and will fiercely attack their enemies. Greyhound - The Greyhound is an intelligent, gentle creature. Wood Mouse - The wood mouse leads a pretty tame life. He is fearless, fiercely protecting his master. The thestral patronus is rare and can only be seen by those who have been close to death or witnessed death. Your nature pulls you to the dark, but youve chosen to live for the light - kind of like Severus Snape! They like to feel comfortable in their surroundings and environment, but are easily drawn to interesting scenes or sights with their curiosity. This cat will chase that Dementor and run it to the ground! In addition, they have extremely large pupils, which means that they have fantastic eyesight. A black bear patronus coming to you means that youll do whatever you can to protect those you love. People with this Patronus love challenges and are good at handling stress. You are adventurous and have no issue jumping head first into frightening situations that might arise in your journey along the way. Updated December 30, 2022. Fox terriers are extremely energetic dogs that are task driven and love to please people. RT @albafella1: Ukrainian Defenders met and rescued a very rare animal from the Red Book - a marbled polecat. This next section is going to cover a description of your patronus and what that means about you and your personality! Ragdoll cat. There are many theories as to why Otter Patronuses are so rare, but . In fact, Hagrids dog is played by Neapolitan Mastiffs. Harry Potter: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Patronuses If you are drawn to the gray squirrel patronus, you love to plan ahead and be in charge of big decision making. In fact, these warriors will put up one heck of a fight to protect their territory! Newfoundlands are just as sweet as they are huge and cuddly, but are extremely useful and tactical swimmers. A black mare patronus means that you are probably passionate about what you love and are dedicated to protecting it. Aardvark- The aardvark is a beady-eyed, long-snouted burrowing mammal native to Africa. A mother tiger with cubs is one of the most patient, protective, self-sacrificing animals that there ever was. Hummingbirds are almost unseen to the naked eye due to their swiftness and precision. While these may not be the cats to chase down a Dementor, they will stay with you, protecting and calming you until the Dementor fades away. Each head serves a different purpose - the planner, the dreamer, and the critic - and its eggs are used in potions to aid with mental agility. It is for this reason that they are so commonly sold as pets. Brown Bear- Brown bears have one of the largest brains of any extant carnivore relative to their body size and have been shown to use tools. Pottermore (Appears as a Patronus) Wizarding World (Appears as a Patronus) If you have a Russian blue patronus, trust is one of the most important things to you when making friends. You tend to be conflicted, but also a deep thinker and quite unique from the rest of the crowd. Ever since Harry and his friends learned to protect themselves from Dementors with these adorable, yet powerful charms, all Potterheads needed to know which was theirs. A polar bear Patronus, however, would direct that ferocity at a Dementor and send it packing out of fear of getting a chunk bitten out of its creepy behind. They are proud and know their self-worth, and tend to be very particular of the humans they protect. That comes at no extra cost to you, and all Park Prodigy tickets and packages guarantee youll save money vs booking direct. An adder is the representation of precision and level-headedness, but when provoked, deadly. Chow Dog - One of the few ancient dog breeds, the Chow Chow is proud, independent, and highly suspicious of strangers but fiercely loyal to family. Youve been known to fiercely defend those youre loyal to and lash out at those who dont earn your respect. The seal patronus is perfect for someone looking for a deep bond with their charm spell and is ready to jump into the unknown at any time. This Patronus represents a person that was born and/or has lived under pressing circumstances but overcomes every obstacle, getting stronger each day. Dragon- One of the most powerful and formidable creatures of the magical world, dragons are ambitious and dominant. Beagle - Known for tracking and not looking back, these hunting dogs are very goal oriented. Privacy Policy | COPPA Policy | Terms of Use | FeedbackMuggleNet is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and's affiliate program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and Surprisingly, the black mamba shies away from confrontation due to its nervous nature; however, when threatened, it becomes the ultimate force to be reckoned with. Brown owls are known to be fearless and extremely loyal to the ones they love. A black stallion or mare has a powerful spirit with a lot of enthusiastic energy. Orangutans are very special animals that hold a lot of respect in the animal kingdom. Basset Hound - Basset Hounds hail from France. If this is your Patronus, youre in luck! An osprey is a bird of the sea, and the same can be said for those who can cast it. Vulture - Looming and dominant, the vulture, at its core, is a resource machine. They are quite kind and loving animals and can sense when something is about to go wrong way before it happens. Pine Marten - If you have this cute creature as your Patronus, you can trust that you will be defended fiercely when needed. Once committed to an attack, sparrowhawks will never stop pursuing their target. Any person with an owl patronus makes life choices with wisdom and are also solitary in nature and prefer to be alone. You've got yourself a true battle-ready Patronus! Polecat - Despite its name, a polecat isnt really a cat at all. So, keep being true to yourself and others and youll make it to the top of the mountain and accomplish anything. If you have a Saint Bernard patronus, you most likely are passionate about helping others, but are typically a relaxed and chill individual. Heron birds are known for their intelligence and determination, which holds true as to why theyre respected and admired animals. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. Orangutan- Gentle and solitary, orangutans are known for their reasoning skills and the agility with which they navigate the forest. All bears represent power, but specifically the black bear is known for its curious nature and significance throughout many Native American cultures. As an affiliate of, our staff might earn a commission from qualified purchases. While they are hunting, they move quickly and confidently through the trees in pursuit of prey! Dementors better keep their heads up if a leopardess is your Patronus! Those with a blackbird patronus love to learn and soak up information about the world. The vulture patronus will only heighten your senses as you take on dementors in battle, making you unstoppable. The oryx is a genus term for four hoofed mammals that typically live in herds originating from Africa. They change their brown fur to white in winter and are often called ermine in their white fur.

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