For each additional animal, increase the cage length by 50 percent. Bandre also said the banshould not include "color-morph" reptiles, which sell for thousands of dollars and have even more trouble surviving in the wild. And they have really tiny feet! (8) Group VIII -- Class III mammals (except spider, woolly, and capuchin monkeys) and Varanidae (except Komodo dragon), giraffe, okapi, tapir, wild cattle, forest, woodland and aridland antelope; and similar species of non-native hoofstock (family Bovidae). For one or two animals, a paddock enclosing 1,250 square feet, 6 feet high. 2. Repealed Sept. 30, 2019. (3) Any person whose permit is revoked or non-renewed as provided for in subsection 68-1.010(2), F.A.C., shall be subject to the following provisions: (a) Such person shall have ninety (90) days after the final administrative disposition to lawfully dispose of all captive wildlife previously authorized under the revoked or non-renewed permit. They also enjoy eating fresh fruits and vegetables as special treats. Class I animals include animals that present a risk to human safety. For enclosures housing wildlife species or individual animals which exhibit a behavior of digging or burrowing:Enclosures shall have a footer or bottom apron constructed of concrete, chainlink or equivalent strength material as specified in this rule for the housing of such wildlife. Cage floors shall include an area of sufficient depth to provide for digging. Class I animals are illegal to possess: When an elephant is available for or conducting rides, personnel, equipment, devices and/or firearms shall be on the premises, in close proximity and able to be accessed within 5 minutes. Venomous reptile licenses issued to a person who refuses any such inspection shall be revoked. For one or two animals, a cage 4 feet by 5 feet, 5 feet high. Cages shall be constructed using metal clamps, ties or braces of equivalent strength as the material required for cage construction for the particular species. These adorable tiny creatures are known to be the smallest marsupial in the world. Conditional and prohibited species are regulated by the Wildlife Impact Management Section. Each cage shall be equipped with perching areas, climbing apparatus, and chewing items. In addition to the enclosure requirements for this paragraph, each enclosure shall have a shelter(s). Captive-bred raccoons are another animal that can be kept legally in Florida. With written notification to the Commission, this period may be extended in circumstances where a licensed veterinarian has certified that a longer holding period is medically necessary in the interests of the health, safety and welfare of the subject animals or the public. Nine-banded Armadillo, Squirrels also need tons of room to run, roam, climb, and play. (a) For one or two animals, a cage or enclosure 10 feet by 8 feet, 8 feet high. The ambient temperature shall not be lower than 550 F nor exceed 850 F. (a) For one or two animals, a cage, or enclosure, 8 feet by 10 feet, 8 feet high. Such injury shall be reported immediately, or as soon as practicable, to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Division of Law Enforcement. (2) Not withstanding other requirements of this rule, facilities licensed pursuant to this section may be transferred through will, trust or probate proceedings to a lawful heir and such facilities may remain in the same location. If youre not able to devote enough time to taking care of your sloth, it might not be the right pet for you. (c) Full or incidental contact between the public and such captive wildlife as defined in rule 68A-6.016, F.A.C., is prohibited. New cages or enclosures can be 6 x 5 x 5 high, or any width/length dimension that equals or exceeds the increased cage or enclosure space. "It uses sort of a broad-stroke approach to 16 different species," Pete Bandre, owner Incredible Pets in Melbourne, toldcommissioners. A pool or tub of water shall be provided that shall accommodate the animal(s). Maintain an annual record of progress toward the research project objectives. Loud activity and noises, especially during daytime hours, the time they most often sleep, can be incredibly stressful for them. Each cage shall have a claw log, unless the animal(s) front claws have been removed. 68A-6.015. (4) Disaster and Critical Incident Plans: Applicants for permits to possess venomous reptiles or reptiles of concern in captivity shall document a course of action to be taken in preparation for disasters or critical incidents. Identification of Non-Native Venomous Reptiles and Reptiles of Concern; Escape. Location of access point to facility if access is controlled by fences, gates, etc. (c) Outdoor cages over 1,000 square feet (uncovered) shall have vertical jump walls at least 8 feet high with a 45 degree, inward angle overhang 2 feet wide or, jump walls 10 feet high without an overhang. While the likelihood of being killed by an animal in Florida is relatively low, the most dangerous animals in the state are typically those that can cause harm to humans through bites, stings, or attacks. Such device shall be noninjurious, and may include, but is not limited to, boxes, balls, PVC tubing, etc. Each enclosure shall have an accessible device to provide physical stimulation or manipulation compatible with the species. Unfortunately, as much as people want to help, most are not allowed to keep an injured, orphaned, or abandoned animal from the wild. Exotic animal ownership in Florida may sound like a . (b) Persons possessing any live venomous reptile or reptile of concern in accordance with Section 379.372, F.S., for personal use shall submit a report including quantity of births, deaths, in-state acquisitions, out-of-state acquisitions, in-state sales or transfers, and out-of-state sales or transfers of both native and non-native venomous reptiles, per biological family, and reptiles of concern, per species. Owning an exotic pet requires you to understand the rules and regulations of the state in which you reside. Vervet, Grivet or Green monkeys (genus Chlorocebus), 10. Like all animals, monkeys can bite and cause injuries. (b) Large (e.g., geese, swans, and similar size). Most of the other new rules would take effect in a few months, FWC officials have said. Class II wildlife: The facility shall not be constructed on less than two and one-half (2 1/2) acres. Upon receipt of an initial application regarding Class I or Class II wildlife, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shall notify the county or municipality wherein the proposed facility is to be located of a pending application and provide the information required of applicants below. 68A-6.004. Arboreal species of snakes or lizards shall be provided with a perch of sufficient height to allow for such specimen to perch or bask without any portion of its body or tail touching the floor, sides or roof of the enclosure. PERMIT required for import or transport of Leopard, African spurred and Bells hingeback tortoise with certificate of veterinary inspection at least 10 days prior, containers disinfected before import and either incinerated within 24 hours or exported within 72 hours. (b) All cages or enclosures constructed of chain link or other approved materials shall be well braced and securely anchored at ground level to prevent escape by digging or erosion. 9, Fla. Full contact: For the purpose of this section, full contact is defined as situations in which an exhibitor or employee handler maintains proximate control and supervision, while temporarily surrendering physical possession or custody of the animal to another. (Repealed). Applicants who fail to pass the written examination after two (2) attempts shall wait six (6) months from the date of the last examination to retake the examination. (c) Notification: Licensee shall notify the Commission no less than 24 hours prior to conducting elephant rides at a location other than a facility authorized to possess elephants. (k) Emergency supply checklist, including food, water, medical supplies, generator(s), ice, or other miscellaneous supplies, if applicable. For each additional animal, increase the cage by 25 percent of original floor area. (e) Wildlife in transport shall be protected from extremes in temperature that could be detrimental to the health and welfare of the animal. Sides shall be constructed of concrete block, or strength equivalent material, with a minimum height of four (4) feet above the floor of the enclosure. (a) Bite or Exposure Protocol: Facilities or premises where venomous reptiles are housed or maintained shall have posted on the premises a venomous reptile bite protocol. BANS take of candidate species except as specifically authorized. (8) Cages or enclosures for mobility-impaired animals shall meet standard caging requirements, unless it can be demonstrated that such cage or enclosure, or its required accessories, are detrimental to the health or welfare of the animal. 2. Location of each electricity and gas shutoff switch/valve. But primarily, they love to eat fruit, honey, and nectar. 7. For one or two animals, a paddock enclosing 500 square feet, 8 feet high. Any injured, orphaned, or abandoned animals must be brought to a permitted wildlife . Identification of Non-Native Venomous Reptiles and Reptiles of Concern. (c) Records of sale or transfer, which shall include the following: 2. Call us today at941-355-7707orcontact us online. Any proposed deviations from the standard caging or enclosure requirements, or proposals to use wet or dry moats to substitute for fencing, or proposals to use open air habitats except as provided herein, must be approved in writing by the Commission prior to the use of the cage or enclosure for housing animals. Such lease shall be subject to initial and annual review and approval by the Commission as a condition of said lease. After January 1, 2008, those licensees that desire to expand their inventory to include a family of Class I or Class II species not previously authorized at their facility location shall comply with the requirements herein. IV, Sec. And this is only just a handful of all the exotic pets you can own legally in the state of Florida. For Class II animals, cage construction shall not be less than 11 1/2 gauge chain link or strength equivalent material. For each additional animal, increase cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. (3) Qualifications for elephant ride authorization. They are called sugar gliders because of the way they can seemingly glide through the air as they jump from tree to tree in their native Australia and Indonesia. Orangutan. BANS take, possession, transport and sale of species of special concern except by permit if not detrimental to survival Currently only Panama City crayfish (last updated 2018). Once a handler has been approved for an elephant, they may request additional elephant authorizations by providing an additional 250 hours of free contact experience with each additional elephant in the same manner as stated above. In addition to the requirements for this section, each cage or enclosure shall be provided with an environment or devices that allow for temperature regulation necessary to ensure the well-being of the species. (6) Group VI -- Wolverines, honey badgers, American badgers, and hyenas. Each cage shall have a shelter(s) or den(s) or nest box(es). When raised among humans, they are known to be very affectionate and love to rub their heads up on their owners. Wolves, coyotes, jackals (family Canidae), 32. For the purposes of this paragraph, escape shall mean escape from the primary enclosure or escape from transport enclosure, leash, other constraint, or rigid supervision and control while outside of the primary enclosure. Effective Date: All permanent identification requirements in this rule shall not take effect until January 1, 2010. Florida is one of only a handful of states where you can have a pet squirrel, including chipmunks, red squirrels, flying squirrels and more exotic species like Prevost squirrels. (a) A valid performance bond payable to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shall be submitted at the time of initial license application and upon renewal. (c) All cages or enclosures shall be completely enclosed to prevent escape, except paddocks, reptile enclosures, and open air habitats specified in this chapter). (3) Any person authorized to possess Class I wildlife or venomous reptiles shall maintain a list of the current contiguous landowners or neighbors included with the information required in subsections 68A-6.004(7) and 68A-6.017(4), F.A.C. For each additional lizard, increase size by 25 percent of the original floor area. The plan must also include a list of onsite personnel authorized to use the tethering devices, tranquilizing equipment and/or firearms, and when such equipment, devices and/or firearms shall be used to capture, control, or destroy escaped or out-of-control animals. For one or two animals, a cage 8 feet by 8 feet, 6 feet high. (a) For one or two animals, a cage 6 feet by 4 feet, 4 feet high. (a) For one or two animals, a cage 24 feet by 10 feet, 8 feet high. The licensee shall notify the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in writing within 5 calendar days if the insurance policy expires, is cancelled or revoked, or for any other reason becomes invalid. 1. (c) Outdoor cages over 1,000 square feet (uncovered) for cougars shall have vertical jump walls at least 10 feet high, with a 4-foot, 45 degree, inward angle overhang. In addition to the requirements of this section, each cage or enclosure shall be equipped with a shelter(s) that shall accommodate all animals in the enclosure simultaneously. 2. Any licensed corporation authorized to do business in Florida may apply for a permit or other authorization to possess venomous reptiles. Marsh Rabbit, Such shelter shall be attached to or adjacent to the paddock, habitat, or enclosure. (a) Small (e.g., bush babies, loris, potto, angwantibo, tarsiers, and mouse, dwarf, forked, marked, and sportive lemurs). (9) Lock/locked -- a device operated by a key, combination, key card or other locking mechanism approved by the Commission to prevent unauthorized intrusion and make the primary enclosure, secondary containment or building(s) inaccessible to unauthorized personnel. (8) Handling -- the act of physical contact with venomous reptiles with the use of hooks, tongs, tools, specialized gloves, or other standard handling equipment. For each additional specimen, increase perimeter by 10 percent. The exhibitor shall indemnify and save harmless the injured party if an injury occurs or other damage results from exhibited reptiles. For each additional specimen increase perimeter by 10 percent. (Repealed). (g) Licensees who have had continuous annual authorization for elephant rides since the effective date of this rule shall be allowed to conduct private elephant rides. Some pointed to free-roaming cats as preying on many more native species than the exotic reptiles. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court's decision that the U.S. Standard Caging Requirements for Primates. 1. (d) Very-small (e.g., canaries, finches, and similar-sized birds (except hummingbirds)). The roof shall be of sufficient height to permit bird to perch erect on the highest perch. 2. CreditsAdopted Aug. 27, 2009. Let's take a bold stand. American Alligator, For each additional animal, increase cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. If the contiguous landowner or neighbor is a business complex or multi-unit dwelling, or if the facility is located in a business complex or multi-unit dwelling, the name and address of the building manager or property manager shall be maintained, if one exists. Chewing items include, but are not limited to, woody stems, knuckle bones, and rawhide objects; suitability dependent upon species. Squirrels are considered a class III animal in Florida, meaning that they are considered wildlife. (b) Nest box or den -- An enclosed shelter that provides a retreat area within, attached to, or adjacent to a cage or enclosure of specified size, which shall provide protection from the elements and from extremes in temperature that are detrimental to the health and welfare of the animal. Each cage shall also have horizontal climbing apparatus. (4) All records of sales or transfers shall be open to inspection by Commission personnel and to authorized agents of state or federal public health agencies. Class III carnivores shall be provided cages that meet the standard caging requirements at six months of age. (b) Each cage shall have an elevated platform(s) for resting. For each additional animal, increase cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. (c) Shade must be provided at all times and such animals must be protected from the heat. 2. They are particularly described as follows: (a) Shelter -- A structure which shall provide protection from the elements and from extremes in temperature that are detrimental to the health and welfare of the animal. The identifying information must allow the Commission to identify the individual elephant(s) being used in the rides so as to be distinguished from other elephants. IV, Sec. BANS take, possession and sale of federally listed endangered and threatened species and state threatened species. (1) Bats with a wingspread from 2-6 feet. 6. 68A-6.0123. b. But Florida animal laws allow you to have some pretty exotic animals as your cuddly companions. 9. For each additional animal, increase the cage length by 25 percent. (11) Open air habitats or moated areas -- areas enclosed by Commission-approved fences, walls, or moats which provide safe keeping of species specified in this chapter. (f) Wildlife cages/enclosures shall not be stacked over other cages/enclosures unless excreta is prevented from entering lower cages/enclosures. (f) The current inventory of venomous reptiles or reptiles of concern possessed, identified by species and quantity. If youve ever dreamed about owning and loving your very own squirrel, skunk or sloth and you live in Florida, you can make that dream come true with the right knowledge, training, toolsandproperty. American alligators are large reptiles that can be found in various freshwater habitats throughout Florida, including swamps, marshes, rivers, and lakes. Alaska, Hawaii, and California have the strictest laws regarding the purchase and sale of exotic pets. Law Implemented Art. When vegetation and landscaping is available to serve as protection from the elements, access to a shelter shall also be provided during inclement weather conditions. 3. Generally, these laws are in place to protect the general public from inherently dangerous animals. (f) A list of physical capture equipment (i.e., nets, catch poles, gloves, hooks, tongs, etc.) 68A-6.0127. 4. The terms of the performance bond shall include the following: 1. (b) Class I wildlife shall only be permitted to come into physical contact with the public in accordance with the following: 1. Authority: Art. Any components constructed of lumber byproducts such as oriented strand board (OSB), medium density fibreboard (MDF) and melamine shall be no less than one-half (1/2) inch in thickness, shall not be directly exposed to weather and shall be constructed, covered, coated or treated to be impervious to moisture. 1. 1. Documented educational experience in zoology or other relevant biological sciences, obtained at the college or technical school level or above, may substitute for up to six months or 500 hours of the required experience. Outdoor open-topped enclosures may only be used to house venomous reptiles native to the State of Florida and shall be inspected and approved by the Commission prior to use. (a) All wildlife possessed in captivity shall, except when supervised and controlled in accordance with subsection (3) hereof, be maintained in cages or enclosures constructed and maintained in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Any movement restrictions for intrastate movements of exotic or captive wildlife species are regulated by the FWC. 1. They normally sleep during the day and feed at night but are sometimes known to grab a snack or two during the day. Indoor facilities with natural light sources such as windows and skylights shall be provided. They'll need lots of space to fly around in. The barrier shall be constructed of a manufactured material which creates a continuous and uniform barrier which is anchored or otherwise secured in a manner that maintains the integrity of the barrier. (b) Applicants shall not have been convicted of any violation of venomous reptile, reptile of concern, conditional species, prohibited species, or captive wildlife regulations involving unsafe housing of wildlife or that could potentially endanger the public; any violation involving the illegal commercialization of wildlife; any violation involving cruelty to animals; or any violation involving importation of wildlife within three (3) years of the date of application. Standard Caging Requirements for Wild Canids. Commercialization of Wildlife; Bonding or Financial Responsibility Guarantee. Exotic Animal Breeders in Florida For one animal under 50 pounds, a cage 8 feet by 6 feet, 6 feet high. (b) For each additional animal, increase original floor area by 10 percent. Depending on the species, exotic pet ownership can entail a great many risks. (4) Large ground-dwelling (e.g., Congo peafowl, Javan peafowl, curassows, wild turkeys, brush turkeys (moundbuilders), large grouse, capricali, and sage hen) (exhibit only). Personnel authorized in the plan to utilize tranquilizing equipment, tethering devices and/or firearms shall be an employee 18 years of age or older and trained in the use of such devices, equipment and/or firearms. Performing wildlife shall not be kept in cages or enclosures below the size required by the standard caging requirements for more than a total of 90 days out of each 120 day period. It's also illegal to own cheetahs, komodo dragons, bears. Exemption for Guenons (genus Cercopithecus) shall not include Patas monkeys (genus Erythrocebus), De Brazza's monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus), Blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis), Preuss's monkey (Cercopithecus preussi) or any other non-human primate of the genus Cercopithecus of which the species exceeds the normal adult weight of fourteen (14) pounds. For one or two animals, a paddock enclosing 625 square feet, 8 feet high. 2. For one or two animals, a cage 6 feet by 6 feet, 6 feet high. 68A-6.005. In April 2017, the D.C. (f) Reptiles of concern: Species possessed for personal use by reptile of concern license holders prior to July 1, 2010 may continue in the possession of the owner for the life of the animal. Elephants shall be tethered during transport (except nursing young). (a) Outdoor facilities -- Cage construction materials shall consist of steel bars, two-inch galvanized pipe, masonry block or their strength equivalent. (g) The applicant's acknowledgement that the information provided in the application is true, accurate, and complete. For wildlife that is transported in a trailer or compartment of a trailer, a label stating Live Animal must be affixed to the trailer access or loading door and the list containing the number of specimens and common and scientific name of the wildlife must be maintained in the vehicle. Exceptions to Standard Caging Requirements for Captive Wildlife. (d) The exhibition of venomous reptiles in the absence of a current and valid performance bond, payable to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in the sum of $10,000 is prohibited. 1. 68A-6.0071. For each additional animal, increase cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. Cages of Class I and Class II animals that the public can access, shall be equipped with a physical barrier, which is made of a material to prevent the public from coming in contact with the animals. David Stone, a reptile enthusiast from Pennsylvania, fears the ban would create an illegal, unregulated market for reptiles. Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements for Venomous Reptiles and Reptiles of Concern. The owner of said wildlife shall be responsible for the welfare of such animals, unless such wildlife is consigned to an auctioneer or other sales representative, at which time the consignee shall be responsible. Standard Caging Requirements for Marsupials. (e) Whether the facility is owned or leased by the applicant, unless otherwise exempt pursuant to subsection 68A-6.010(4), F.A.C. They are highly social animals and usually do best in groups of other honey possums. For each additional performing animal, increase paddock size by 50 percent of the original area. Animals from the wild (including injured, orphaned, or abandoned native animals) are NEVER eligible to be kept as personal pets in Florida. 6. They are somewhat similar to a cheetah and are often mistaken as such. Know the 4 Ps. Florida Panther: Large and powerful predator; however, encounters with humans are extremely rare, and attacks are even rarer. For each additional animal, increase the cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. (f) Any sanctuary possessing Class I wildlife as listed in rule 68A-6.002, F.A.C., must meet the bonding or financial responsibility guarantee requirements of paragraphs 68A-6.005(3)(a)-(f), F.A.C. One of these references must be licensed by the commission for wildlife of the same family and the same or higher class for which the applicant is seeking authorization or a representative of a professional organization or governmental institution.

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