["Holy moly!"] Lana: PILE ON MOM! I wanted to be with you whole time. LANA AND LOLA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THEY'VE FALLEN ASLEEP. - Lynn commented - Still more the marrier. Don't blame me for being smart enough to plan recording things that happen only once. I wanted to be with you so much I competed for you with the other sisters. To both things silence is needed. - Lincoln commented - I remember Lucy was afraid of light as a newborn. Months passed, all Loud siblings passed to next grade. - I can't believe mom and dad will have another baby. ? - He-wo-ow. The siblings kept playing with Lily and each of them wanted her to say their names. - I wanted to be like her? - Lori said - The last thing Leo needs to see is this corpse. - I thought you were going to Detroid. She lowered her head in disappointment. - Lynn Sr. said, - Mom, dad, that's the best day of my life. - Lana said - This one is Izzy and that's El Diablo and - Don't be afraid. Una Isla, 22 participantes del universo Loud house, un premio, reality presentado por el presentador ms querido, jaja si claro. - It's so sweet I fear I got diabetic. - She just loves playing with you and doesn't know her own strength. Suddenly Clyde opened the door loudly. He changes Lily's diapers, feeds her and burps her. One of the Boys Rewrite | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom - Lincoln said overjoyed and embraced Lily and turned with her, - Twerp, we were supposed to be quiet! -Yep, never been quieter.-Lisa continued.-This one might not even blow up. Both of them were fascinated. - Lily took pacifer from Leo's mouth and put it in hers, - Mine! "Besides I have an important game today and I can't risk you mucking up this game too. Some J-pop song is playing. -Do you know how long it took me to catch all those lizards? Loud Stories - Wattpad Real Boys Chapter 1: Lincoln's Brothers, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Meanwhile Lincoln is staring at this going on, and after that, he looks at his Ace Savvy figure he was gonna buy, and then back at a desperate Leni. -Hey, mom and dad are gone for the week and wanted me to tell you that they'd be gone.-Lincoln said to them. - Our baby bro seems to have fun. In the dimension where Lincoln has ten brothers instead of ten sisters, all ten of the brothers have the same interests as the sisters do, but in terms of personality, they all seem to be abrasive and have no individual traits. -But last year the haunted houses were all really scary!-Luan replied.-What makes this year any different?! ["Lori's on another health food kick!"] You don'y have to worry with me. - Clyde said embarrassed, - Lincoln, it's your friend so you will take care of him! - Lori yelled, opening door to Lincoln's room in company of the other sisters. Suddenly Lucy ran from room crying. ? ?-The girls all said.-He has to be! - Don't worry, Leo will share room with me. ?-Lynn said nervously. - Luan replied laughing. - Looks like we aren't needed. - Please, be gentle to him. - Lincoln said with depressed tone. - Luna asked annoyed - That's the last thing that can be associated with my passion. - Maybe this will help. - Lori explained - Lily, say "Lori", - Who is Wally? He thought about joining them but he felt unneeded so he went to bathroom. I finally have a brother I've always wanted but he doesn't want to play with me. It won't take long. Leon is the only Loud brother who does not participate in dog-piling Lynn Sr. and Lincoln. Realizing he has been called a girl's name, "Lincoln" discovers that his room is all girly, and upon seeing his reflection on the mirror, "Lincoln" soon realizes that he's now in a dimension where he's the only sister, named Linka, in a family with ten brothers. Lucy scratches out the word journal, and replaces it with the word poems. - Luan interrupted - Oh, you don't know how to play with them. Building Suspense-Richard Myhill[Lisa describes the watch.] She commented "Why my two closest siblings have to be so weird?". -Those used to belong to me!-Lynn said.-Then when I outgrew them, he got them! ? - You say this every time mom expects another child. - Lori said entering Lincoln's room, - Lucy, please leave this book and come. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [The bathroom is filthy.] The baby cried again because his sleeping was interrupted. So the girls try to fall asleep by remembering their happiest memories of Lincoln. - Meh, Lincoln prayed too often. - Luna said laughing - We all bathed together. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. -We need your help with something.-Lana told him. ["Pile on dad!"] Of course he won't be in his room, there is no reason for him to stay in the house. - Lynn, are you nuts?! - Lily pushed Leo, making him fall from bed, - Nooooo! -It's a good thing Lily is asleep, the room has never been quieter.-Lisa whispered. Luna's voice actress did not work in this episode (although the Polish and Italian voice actors did), but Lucy's voice actress did already work in it due to voicing Lynn and their gender-swapped counterparts (although not for the Brazilian Portuguese dub). - From today I will entertain both of you. -See!-Lincoln told her from the bleachers.-I knew you were gonna make it! One Girl with Ten Brothers Chapter 1: Us - FanFiction.Net Having now beco. - Leo giggled when Leni was measuring him. They won't hurt you. Leni walks to the register, but can't fully pay for the shoes. - Lincoln said laughing. -Yeah, you look like your day has been terrible.-Lola finished. You yelled a lot on Lincoln when he was a baby. There will be 3 of us. - Now if we're done with memories of your births, then let me go to my room in peace. - Lori said annoyed. In the Latin American Spanish dub, Lars's line "Luke flushed him" is said in an innuendo form (". The Loud brothers notice this and fix themselves in response. - 27? - I don't know why I always do that. - Lynn! - How can I tell my jokes without saying anything? - Better. Get out you brat! Indie Rock Grrrl-Blues Saraceno[Title card.] - Lucy commented - I guess I'll have to wear headband when I'm near Leo. When Lincoln was preparing to sleep Lucy visited him as always making him scream out of surprise. - Black and white are just easier to print and cheaper. -That's correct!-The "boring guy" said.-Congratulations caller, you will be on going on Mick Swagger's DayDream tour, spending the whole year with Mick Swagger! - Leni commented - The older siblings are to take care of the younger ones when parents lack enough time. Lori's male counterpart, Loki does not come up with an excuse for his farts, whereas Lori herself denies her farts. A Brother's Love , A Loud House Fanfic Chapter 1 - FanFiction.Net - Um - Leo touched Luna's face with curiocity, - Bleh, I need to bathe you to get rid of Lynn's odor. That's your brother, you can't treat him like this! - This sight will never stop to be adorable. - Leni asked annoyed, - No, on the contrary. - Lincoln asked annoyed. -Oh well.-Leni said defeated.-I'll just give these to the next girl in line. Lincoln lands in the hallway, but doesn't see any noticeable changes. This is both a sequel to "Louds of Two Worlds" and "White Hare".The original names were gonna be Hare Care and "Louds of Three Worlds". This is the first episode where Collin Dean voices Lincoln. -And I've got to have my money!-The cashier replied.-So without that money, one of them other girls will walk out with these shoes! -I promise you'll enjoy this!-Lincoln replied.-Are you still gonna hang out with me? Meanwhile in Lola and Lana's room, they have gone a full 12 hrs. - Lily asked sadly- Do you wove me no mowe? - Lynn Sr. asked - He had a male pattern What could be wrong? - Right, with more siblings she has more responsibilities. - I used to entertain you and other siblings like this. -I noticed.-The referee told.-Number 5 gets two free throws. -I don't think I'm gonna go inside.-Luan replied. - Luna took Leo from Lincoln - Look, he's calm now. Luan walked up to the front door of the haunted house where Lincoln was, grabbed his hand tightly and walked into the house, they walked a few feet when a "ghost" fell from the ceiling, it startled them but they kept walking. Lynn takes all the power she has left in her to jump up and make her second free throw, winning the game. - Lincoln asked. - Lincoln said - Mom, can I hold him? -There's this invisible barrier that's keeping me from punching you!-Lana complained. - Lincoln replied - I waited 12 years for him. -No thanks, it's kinda windy outside.-Lincoln replied throwing the football back to her. - Luna replied smiling, - To-together? -No problem.-Lincoln replied.-You probably would've done the same for me anyway. -We like, hope you like it.-Leni finished. Lincoln now worried that this isn't a joke anymore, heads into Lola and Lana's room to see them fighting. Fanfiction: One of the Females | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Lincoln and Clyde are looking through the fridge for something to eat. - Lori asked annoyed - He's a baby, he doesn't understand. I promice to be the best brother for you. - Ugh. Leni took Leo to her room and put him on her bed. - I wanted to give him my robot. -It's about a boy who lived with some girls, till a week ago. Linka is playing some girly VR dancing game. - Hey! - Luan said and began doing funny faces. - Lincoln said - I wish you were like me so we could play together. is spoken in Lana's early-. Luna is blindfolded and is walking around being guided by Lincoln. -Great!-Lincoln said putting the dollar into the machine. - Lincoln hugged Lily back. Louder Brothers Chapter 1: Out With A Bang, a loud house fanfic - The most silent sport I know is yoga. Linka . - That was cute. You were envious and didn't want to play with her. - Again you're the last one to join us. LUAN'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. Lincoln: (to the viewers) There's nothing like waking up to a nice sunny day enjoying some pancakes for breakfast. - Lori commented - Let the newborn be with his mom. -I just went to summer camp!-Lincoln replied.-Camp Insert Camp Title Here! Let me make you smile. - Luan replied - Puppetery is for boys and girls. The poor girl couldn't hear her comedian of a brother because her ears were still ringing. - Lucy asked, - Aww. Then when the sisters leave the room, she has her tiara on. I'm Lincoln, your older brother. - I tried to make Lincoln and Lucy my playing partners. Katy Perry's 2008 song and album with the same name, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Lincoln misses Luan's hand and accidentally rips off her squirt flower, breaking it. Your family's troubles are out of control by MoonTheCartoondemon. - Waah! - Lincoln said - I agreed to share my room with you. Why don't they find sports fun? - Leni lamented - I'll show you my fashion magazines. Lincoln prayed for brother this time when the girls expected another sister. - Hey, big sis, what happened? Linka: Uh oh. -Do you think Lincoln is still somewhere?-Lynn asked.-And if so, do you think he's alright? -Hey Lucy.-Lincoln told her.-We've all noticed that you've been going through a depression recently, and even though I'll probably never know the answer, I got you a journal for you to write down your emotions in. Fanfiction - Second Loud Brother - The Loud House Encyclopedia - Lincoln asked after grabbing her arm - Others enjoy why you don't? - Lincoln said - You're not alone with this problem. Leni took a fabric in colour Leo picked. - Lisa, please don't do this again. - Lincoln replied - I wish that's a boy but I'll love our newest sibling regardless of gender. He closed his door, put Lily on his bed and turned on his tape recorder. - Leni said rubbing Lincoln's back - When you were a baby you wanted to be with Luna only. Fanfiction: Worlds Loudest Part 1 | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom - Lynn Jr. said smiling to Leo, - Just remember he's fragile so be sure you won't hurt him. ["Pile on Romeo!"] - Meh, you just don't know how to play. Well don't let the picture fool you. So be patient. I did it so you could recognize me. Luna realizes they're not listening to rock and roll. - Leni said smiling - You remind me of Lincoln a lot. - Ok. Leo, you can play but don't take him to mouth. -Luan, you have nothing to worry about.-Lincoln said in a comforting voice.-If you want I'll walk through it with you! - Lana commented. Lana took Leo to her room much to Lola's annoyance. [Lincoln prepares to go to the alternate dimension.] -When the girls mistreated him, mistreated him so. - Luan commented poking Lily on nose. - Lincoln said dishonestly - You sleep in my room. - Luna, I do remember. Leo cried even more. - Never mind. LUNA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE IS STILL LOOKING AT HER PHONE. - You were working hard to support us. -Thanks Lincoln!-Lucy told him.-That means a lot coming from you. [The brothers being nice to Linka.] - I wish you good luck, bro. Lori overslept on Saturday morning and Lincoln comes in to wake her up. An emotionally broken brother. Lana:[kisses her and belches] Bye, Dad! He appeared and changed us all.- Lincoln commented - Lucy and I are middle children now and we made hair bond. (. - Lucy asked - You made him cry. They starts smothering her with kisses.] - Lincoln commented excited. - You always have me. Lincoln chooses normal, and the music begins playing a little faster, and so does the routine, but not backing down, Luna and Lincoln claim a second perfect score after doing the routine flawlessly. - Lucy said and took Lily - I'll play with you, my little sis. Luan performed shadow puppetery to take the babies' attention. - Don't be selfish. - Rita commented. - Luna asked, - He's just hungry. - What are you saying, silly? Calm him down. - Lucy said - I can scare her to convience her to do this to me. -We all agreed with you.-Lola added.-Don't take it too hard, Luna. Leni left her room and detected Lincoln. - Why does he live alone? - Lincoln explained - I can hand you down all 27 tomes. - Lynn commented. - Lola asked rethorically. - He's still young, he will change his bad habits. Luna heard this so he ran to Lynn's room. and Loni's "Aww" are said in Lane and Luke's voices respectively. Linka sits up and yawns, stretching. I believe in you! - If he grows up then with who shall he share his room? She has no sense of fun. I hope you'll be as lovable brother as him. Lincoln put Leo on his bed and Lucy put Lily next to him. - Lori said - Can you take him? - I was kidding. She enjoyed it but Leo cried. -Hey guys, mom and dad just left for the week.-Lincoln told the girls. - He seems to have very strong senses. - You wonder what's with this tape recorder? - Lincoln suggested - Maybe he'll calm down if I show him my toys. The brothers then proceed to make fun of him for his relationship with Ronnie Anne. - Leni answered and all made a facepalm, - We start counting from one not zero. - Lincoln asked joking - You said like you were reading my mind like an open book. He just needed a tender and gentle hug. - Shhh! -A collaboration with UnderratedHero. -I can't believe I wished my brother out of existence!-Luna said sadly. - Lucy agreed. Rita took Leopold to her room. -Are we almost there?-Luna asked.-I can't take the anticipation anymore! The 12th Loud sibling is born, a boy named Leopold. - Luna asked opening bathroom door - I thought you're happy from finally having a brother. - What are you afraid of? - Lincoln took his plushy from Leo's mouth. - Listen to your brother. - Lincoln took Leo and tried to calm him down but it didn't work. He sees water for the first time. - Lynn Sr. replied, - Wha..? A loud explosion goes off causing Lily to wake up and cry, while Lisa gives Lincoln a mad look. - Lincoln? - No need, I have no intention to speak with her after such brutal honesty. - I'm glad my audience enjoyed this. Lincoln now afraid to tell any of his other sisters cautiously walks into Lola and Lana's room. - Leni, please let me hold him. - Do you remember when she came to us? - You have to get used to the temperature. However, it turns out the watch actually belonged to Lori, who is naturally mad that her brother for destroying it and tells he's going to pay (by which she means he'll buy her a new one with his own money). I will saw a pijama for you. -Nope.-Lucy answered.-The spirits talk to me, but they're all busy haunting other people. - Luan said - Look, they both enjoy it. LANA AND LOLA'S FLASHBACK FROM A YEAR AGO BEGINS. Lana visited Luan and observed how she began entertaining the babies with hand puppetery. -I'd rip the head off your dolly, but I'm not feeling up to it.-Lana said sadly. - I don't get why is Leo so unhappy. We used to take bath together. The Loud House (Cartoon) - Works | Archive of Our Own -Of course we can!-Lincoln replied with his face lighting up.-Maybe we can come at least once a month. - You probably don't remember this but I remember you as a newborn bro. - I'll make a pj for you. - Lynn Sr. said. -I wouldn't let whatever was taking me out of existence take me.-Lincoln replied.-I love you guys to much to leave permanently! - Have you always wanted a son? We all kept you safe. - Oh, don't be ashamed. -Lincoln honey!-Mrs.Loud called for him.-We got you into summer camp, the bus will be here for you tomorrow morning! - Lola yelled, - Why couldn't this be another girl? ? - Lynn Sr. said allowing Lincoln to enter his room and glare at Leopold. Your mom needs silence for now. -What name should we use to program the score into the game? - Please, let me burb him. - Leopold spitted his bath water and cried out of disgust, - Leo, don't take everything to your mouth. - He fears all what's not human. Linka is singing and dancing along to the song when suddenly she bumps into somebody. - Somehow sharing pain with someone else doesn't make me feel better. - Lincoln complained - I wanted to play with him first. -And my last words to him where that I wished he didn't exist!-Luna continued.-I feel like the worst sister ever. - Leni commented - I envied Luna this idea because thanks to this Lincoln wanted to hang out with her over me. - Rita replied - With him he won't get toxic like Lily because of Lisa's chemicals. Lynn throws a football to Lincoln, and Lincoln catches it. - Lincoln protested - Bun-Bun is my very first toy. - Rita began breastfeeding Leo. But I hope it's our new brother because then he'll accept my hobby. - Lola yelled - You annoy me and it makes me as ugly as you! The first version was too long, so I decided to spilt it up to two parts. - You grow fast. Lynn is competing in a basketball game with a tie game, when an opponent trips her hurting her knee. Kamado: I had a feeling those two would be your brothers. My 6th fanfiction. You stopped crying when Luna took you and sang for you. However, the dimension with Linka Loud seems to be more or less exactly the same as Lincoln's original dimension, as the brothers are shown to be just as caring and protective of their sister as the sisters are of Lincoln. - she rubbed Leo's head. - Lincoln said confused - Why isn't he crying? - Lynn Sr. asked. [The brothers make fun of Lincoln.] -I wish you didn't exist!-Luna screamed.-Then I would have gotten the best years of my life! - Don't you dare yelling at our brother. - You want a spit bond? Leo enjoys the others, I'm glad I have you. Lynn continues to hold onto hope that her brother is alive. Maybe I know the solution. - Leni complained. LUCY'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. When he only had five minutes left, instead of being 10:25, it was 10:30 on the clocks on the second floor. -Oh alright then.-Luna told him.-I'll wait another minute or two I guess. - Lucy said - You feel you won't be alone with a new brother but I - Are you a telepath? He tries to drink the water. To celebrate their closer and stronger relationship Lucy and Lincoln painted their hair, Lucy in white vertical stripes and Lincoln in black horizontal ones. - Lincoln commented. Linka's Hisuian Search Chapter 26: Double Battle - fanfiction.net She draw lines on it by chalk, then she cut from it cloth parts by scissors. -Fine.-Luna told them.-I told him he ruined what could've been the best year of my life, and that he was a terrible brother. You couldn't hear amps, screams, or fighting, you weren't likely to step in a ditched diaper, get hit with a rogue soccer ball, or get a pie to the face. - Lana commented. -Oh shoot!-Lori exclaimed.-I only have 12 minutes to shower and put my makeup on! The elder sister looks back on how it happened Being an older sibling is both joyful and troublesome. -Don't worry.-Lincoln told her.-I started the car, let the shower get nice and warm, made you a breakfast smoothie to take on the road, took out the makeup you said you were gonna need, and set up your best outfit for the interview. - Leni said hugging Lincoln - When parents weren't around you always had us. - He played with you because you hypnotized him with your voice! ? The sisters are unable to hear what's going on in there when Lincoln runs out looking terrified. - Lincoln said. From your favorite rockstar Mick Swagger.". -Well what is represented by this map? After Lincoln takes the watch, Lisa warns him that he needs to return to his original world within 24 hours, or else he'll be stuck in the new dimension forever. - Lily said to her unborn sibling, touching Rita's belly. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. "Boys! - Here is your chance. LUCY'S FLASHBACK FROM 3 YEARS AGO BEGINS. Linka: [While looking at a photo of her and her 10 brothers] Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a big family? - Lincoln said to Clyde and took him out the house. - Newborn babies don't digest chocolate yet. - Leni replied - I played with Lori but she began going to school and didn't have time for me and besides you've always been more playful than her. - Lisa replied - Can't a genius have sense of humor? - Leni commented - Now I need to measure you. Albert Einstein. This revelation causes Linka to scream loudly. I hope you will love me as well. Lincoln Loud was an average 11-year old boy, well as average as possible living in a house with 10 sisters. An unsuspecting pedestrian that was about to have the fury of the Loud brothers unleashed upon her. The older roommate was surprised by the younger one's new hair. - Give me light and accept darkness from me. - And the most important! - He's not the last, it's me this time. - Lucy said - I enjoy the dark tone of this story and that all is in black and white. Steven Lucas in The Loud House One Of The Boys (A.K.A My Least Favorite Episode of Season 1) Originally Written by Kevin Sullivan Re-Written by Steven Lucas [Lola is having a tea party on the lawn. This revelation causes Linka to scream loudly.

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