They love to lurk under the hood of a car, They have a can do attitude, and are able to make the most of what they have on hand. For them, Pulp Cthulhu spends quite a bit of time painting a picture of the pulps: what they were like, their heroes, their villains, their plots and their tendencies. Baal-Pteor, one of the two strongest men Conan faces in the Howard stories probably rates 90 Strength (but a larger size than Conan, probably 90 or 95 to Conan's 85), Still working on Conan, The Spider, Solomon Kane, and El Borak! Round up. - Talents are displayed as a section of the . Pulp Cthulhu Character Creation | Call of Cthulhu | Obsidian Portal It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. Always looking for challenges and focuses on finding the truth, no matter the consequences. When applying your skill points to a value add it to the value it begins with! or allow him twice attacks/turn?). Now find out what your Damage Bonus is, as well as your build! The quintessential adventuring number two, who may embody aspects of the rogue, steadfast, or thrill seeker. Record important pieces of equipment and assets such as a car, residence, weapons and so on. I've been bouncing around trying Call of Cthulhu with some friends over Discord. - Talents: Any two. 1930s Classic - 1920's First, find out how many skill points you have! 'Freestyle' point buy system. Pulp Cthulhu offers a sliding scale. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Climb, Fighting (Brawl), Intimidate, Listen, Mechanical Repair, Psychology, Swim, Throw. A Key connection may help you regain sanity during periods of rest (Such as being comforted by a key person, or vacationing in a key relaxing place), but losing it can be devestating. 1 - Keen Vision: Gain a bonus die to Spot Hidden rolls. Thank you for your time and kindness, - Treasured Possessions What? - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Anthropology, Appraise, Computer Use, Electrical Repair, Language Other (any), Library Use, Mechanical repair, Operate Heavy Machinery, Science (any). No reason for Ars Magica players to have all the fun! A person who disobeys the rules of society, openly questioning the status quo and mocking authority. % Dream Lore, Vampire Lore, Werewolf Lore, etc.). We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Call of Cthulhu does not often play with tokens on a map, or record specific movements distances. By A person who stands apart from society, either physically as a hermit, or simply socially as a shut-in. Most investigators will likely start with very little, and equip themselves to their needs later on. Does not lose next action when "diving for cover" versus firearms. But hey, this is a pulp world - Indiana Jones probably would have survived the encounter, and hey, my players did too. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Beefcake Everyone wants a place, and I'm out for all I can get. Your previous content has been restored. Adjustments: JavaScript is currently disabled. Often a younger individual who has not yet risen entirely to their full potential. We send our best wishes to his loved ones. Any experiences with Pulp Cthulhu? : r/callofcthulhu - Reddit - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Animal Handling, Climb, Electrical Repair, Fast Talk, First Aid, Jump, Library Use, Listen, Navigate, Photography, Science (any), Stealth, Track. Also, I need more skill in Animal Handling, only 25%!! Each Archetype grants a +1 step bonus to any one attribute of choice, grants 2 bonus edges of choice (ignoring all qualification . - Talents: Any Two. A seeker of knowledge who is not necessarily action-oriented, but may know what to do. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is the The book closes out with Pulp Cthulhu character sheets and convenient reference tables. ), In my build for Conan it looks like he would probably have a 90 or 95 Strength. We've already been saving your edits, so if you - Talents: Any two (May take the Psychic talent), Outsider Roll core characteristic, (1d6 + 13) x 5, re-roll ones. Pulp Cthulhu (Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying) - Display as a link instead, We really don't want to see Indiana Jones fighting the giant bald Nazi in front of the airplane and have Indy get beaten up in a round or two. (Note: Again, if youre doing this on Roll20, some of these may be calculated automatically), Sanity Points: Your (starting) sanity points equals your POW characteristic. It showed me that Pulp Cthulhu was very light in gadgets. My team is, and always will be, Tarzan, Doc Savage, The Shadow, and the Spider. Ignores Sanity point loss from attacking other humans, viewing horrific injuries, or the deceased. Pulp Cthulhu concludes with a ten page reference section filled with pricing examples of the 1930s, weapon . The result of the character creation process is that the player ends up (hopefully) with a character who would feel right at home on the pages of Weird Tales or Astounding Stories. I thought about it but Indy is not a big guy and to get +1d4 damage he would need STR 65 and it would give him Build 1. Matt, - Core Characteristic: Choose either INT or Con They look bey9ond mundane reality, wishing to change the world around them. Occupation Skills Using these tables is completely optional. Home Page - The Dhole's House If you've read this far, you probably know if your games are more prone to professors going mad from reading fragments of Greek parchments or if your games involve chases, gore and dynamite. For Hero and Satan, I should replace one talent with"Animal Companion". Theoratically, I would need it twice but I do not think it is unreasonable to take them both under one. Is the Shadow character above able to do all the mental things the Shadow is associated with or just read minds? The choice gives their character a single Core characteristic (attribute) which is generated by rolling 1d6 and adding 13 to it. Adjustments: no risk refund guarantee Can't remember seeing him with a sword, but frequently with "tribal" weapons (bow, spear). For example an occupation with a credit rating range of 5 - 30 must start play with at least 5 points spent on the hero's credit rating, unless approved by the Keeper. Rogue Are all of the additional mechanics a bit much to throw at some first-timers. be sure to let me know. The same can be said for gadgets. Pulp characters are generally more robust than standard Call of Cthulhu characters - as they should be. These will be important numbers for hard, or extreme skill checks during game! On page 15 of the Pulp Cthulhu rulebook there's an optional rule allowing players to select an occupation before they pick an archetype.. My players seem to prefer this method but it can cause a lot of scanning back and forth through the rulebook trying to list which archetypes are then available. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, by Mike Mason, with Bligh, Lowder, Tidball, White, Fricker, Baur, Sanderson and Kramer, Price: $44.95 (hardcover), $22.50 (PDF download). Chaosium has provided prospective keepers with a Pulp-o-Meter set of rules; these are rules which Keepers can use if they want an especially outrageous world with improbable but thrilling twists and turns, or which they can ignore in favor of slightly more realistic gaming. on Classic there seem to be no issues apart from the pulp era not being listed in era . A NOTE: When your occupation specifies Firearms or Fighting but no specialty (such as Fighting (Brawl)), then it is up to you to choose or add in a specialty! 3F)u]\w!pDU That's is why he hashigh intimidate and Scary (which reduce the difficulty level or add a bonus die) and high Steath and Shadow (same mechanic). They taught you something. Determine your cash and assets based on the time period of the campaign and the tables provided below. Everyone let me down, so I take care of myself. - Talents: Any Two, Harlequin Write down a few important things you think it would be useful for your investigator to have. - Core Characteristic: POW To be honest, I do not know much about the Spider except that he may be a Shadow analogue without the psychic power. or allow him twice attacks/turn?). (Such as FIghting (Swords) or Firearms (Rifle)). It's the game you love, but characters are on steroids and this time, just maybe, they stand a fighting chance. Pulp Cthulhu is a game of two-fisted adventure, weird science, dark deeds, and brave heroes. Pulp Cthulhu (Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying) by Mike Mason - Goodreads selection, especially among players not particularly familiar with the genre. Compare Dexterity, Strength, and Size with Table 2 on page 23. Its not necessary to have intricately detailed entries- a few briefly listed items can be open-ended and inspirational! May spend 10 Luck points to gain one further melee attack in a single combat round. They enjoy food, drink, carousing, and like a lifestyle of extravagance and being the center of attention. May I add that NPC > Generic Characters > "National Guard" is added . A hero's backstory is not only helpful to know, but also important to the sanity mechanic. Possibly an inventor or a revolutionary of science. Whomever taught you your highest occupational skill. I ran a session of it about a year back that went well, and I gave Delta Green a try. The Aristocrat, The Femme Fatale, The Flying Ace, The Gadgeteer, The Great White Hunter, The Mystic, The Noble Savage. Does not suffer penalty die when "aiming" at small targets (Build -2), and may also fire into melee without a penalty die. Point Buy Method, Create Investigator (7th ed.) They give your life meaning. - Core Characteristic: SIZ Lovecraft. A repairer of all manner of things. You must spend at least 10 points on your hero's credit rating during the occupational skill phase. Maybe its on your person, perhaps you have it stashed under a mattress at home, or in a bank. Occupation points automatically calculated. a skill, to love, to be a man). But as the game got further along and things heated up, the pulpiness began to blossom. [Interest] Savage Worlds Adventure Pulp Cthulhu - RPGnet Forums Figure out some of the very basic details of your character! Freestyle Method, Create 'World Wide Telegraph Co.' Telegram, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Choose Pulp Archetype There is a list of archetypes on page 16, and all of the archetypes are on pages 15 to 22. Choose the chracteristic values by adding to them from a points pool. Pasted as rich text. You may allocate skills to be above 100%. They do not suffer fools, be it underlings or those in authority. He's one of the strongest men on earth in his time. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. Pulp Cthulhu Character Creation - YouTube In Call of Cthulhu, it may be a window into your characters fears, and what would be most painful for them to lose . In darkness, reduce the difficulty level of Spot Hidden rolls and ignore penalty die for shooting in the dark. You can have more grounded games, with Indiana Jones-type characters operating on a purely human scale, or you can embrace the madness and go for a feel more like Doc Savage, The Shadow or even Hellboy. This new house rule should encourage heroes to keep roleplaying the traits associated with their archetype, with a few bonus skill points awarded after each scenario as an incentive. (you cannot exceed 99). Bon Vivant Once youve filled out all of this, pick one entry and mark it as your key connection. It showed me that Pulp Cthulhu was very light in gadgets. Contents: Pulp Cthulhu is a rules and setting book that adds oomph to the investigative adventures of Call of Cthulhu and resets the game in the 1930s. Such people do anything to get the job done and fulfill their goals. Classic Method, Create Investigator (7th ed.) Lovecraft Historical Society is an international organization for fans of the author H.P. - Core Characteristic: Choose either APP or INT Roll core characteristic, (1d6 + 13) x 5, re-roll ones. Henry Jones for Indiana, bandar tribesmen (and Guran! But your key connection cannot be altered by the DM, without you at least having the opportunity to prevent it from happening in some way. This characteristic will, later on, receive an enhancement. In a Call of Cthulhu game, the moment would have surely resulted in TPK or D/MFA (Total Party Kill or Death/Madness for All). Always seems to have what they need on hand; may spend 10 Luck points (rather than make Luck roll) to find a certain useful piece of equipment in their current location. Overall there are eighteen archetypes to base your character upon. If it would have been the same poison used by the Bandars (very specific), a hard roll would have sufficed. I suppose they would be listed under Significant People/Contacts instead. A wife? Pulp Talents: text fields are added beneath the portrait box to record your hero's special abilities. (click the link for a list of Talents!). You idolize them (e.g. Adventure Characters: Pulp Era Archetypes List - RPG Post I have added draft write-ups in the next few posts. DreadDomainJanuary 10, 2021 in Call of Cthulhu. Additionally an archetype gives you bonus skill points that you may assign to a list of skills, will also tell you how many TALENTS you may pick (More on talents in a following step!). - Talents: Any two. I also was fairly stingy in combat skills. If you're the former type of gamer, you probably only need Pulp Cthulhu if you deliberately want to shake things up and let your players knock around Mythos forces (instead of the other way around). I would give Indy a bit more Strength. Be it for the thrill of the chase, the prize at the end, or the innate drive to master their environment, hunters are relentless in pursuit of their chosen prey, and are possessed of a calm, calculating manner that allows them to choose the moment to strike. - Talents: Any two (May take the Weird Science talent), Hard Boiled Choose the values for all Characteristics (plus Luck) - derived scores auto-calculated. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Art/Craft (any), Charm, Climb, Diving, Drive Auto, Fast Talk, Jump, Mechanical Repair, Navigate, Pilot (any), Ride, Stealth, Survival (an), Swim, Throw. - Ideology/Beliefs (Are you religious? Lovecraft. One thing worth noting, as Pulp heroes are at least theoretically close-to-human ( although often peak-human), they'll tend to have some helpers or pals who are no slouches in their own right. Plus, you have our Once youve done that, roll 2D6+6, multiply the end by 5. Right now I'm exploring which would be a better fit for my friends and I. Each archetype has a Core Characteristic (Or a choice between two or more pick one!) May spend Luck points to shrug-off points of Sanity loss, on a one-for-one basis. I think it is important that players can pull on their background to justify doing stuff not covered by their skills. - Core Characteristic: Choose either INT or EDU. you will have instant access to your previous versions. These archetypes (including, for example, adventurers, explorers, eggheads and sidekicks) help ensure that the characters which are created will "fit" into a pulp universe. Swashbuckler In keeping with the tone of pulp stories in general, the protagonists are hearty, hard-boiled, and are up to the task of confronting the nefarious forces they face. Following is a full, step-by-step for character creation in its entirety. I've found it useful for speeding up character Pulp Archetypes A few archetypes note that they are able to take the talents "Psychic'" or "Weird Science". The next part of Pulp Cthulhu walks players through the process of creating characters for the game which are skew towards pulp archetypes. (e.g. Call of Cthulhu is the trademark of Chaosium Inc. and the Call of Cthulhu investigator/character sheet is copyright 2016 by Chaosium Inc. Divide the scores amongst the characteristics. financially, they protected you through hard times, got you your first job). I was disappointed in the psychic abilities in Pulp Cthulhu when I first looked it over. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Art/Craft (Acting), Charm, Climb, Disguise, Fast Talk, Jump, Language Other (any), Listen, Persuade, Psychology, Sleight of Hand, Stealth. You are indebted to them. The new rule set helps keepers and players create characters who are not everyday people confronting dark forces; rather, these characters have higher abilities, they have better skill sets, they're harder to kill and less likely to go insane. Multiply your INT x 2. Pulp Cthulhu Character Creation TheMysteryHand 7 subscribers Subscribe 2.8K views 4 years ago 'Quick' primer for creating Pulp Cthulhu characters in Fantasy Grounds. Adjustments: Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. For players and the Keeper alike, it took a while to settle into the "larger than life" quality intended for this world. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Accounting, Anthropology, Cryptography, History, Language Other (any), Library Use, Medicine, Natural World, Occult, Science (any). Adjustments: Skills usually begin with a percentage number (such as Accounting, which begins at 5%, or Dodge, which begins at half your Dex value). Paranoid? I have not yet triedto add traits, personality and background elements. And since he's been partly educated by the Bandars, I'm sure he knows something about poisons and darts Don't know much the Shadow (unfortunately never been published in France, we just know the movie), but for the Phantom (many french-translated comics) I remember he mainly uses his two guns (maybe he shouldn't have any malus when using both of them at the same time? Your occupation will have a recommended range for your Credit rating. As a background book, Pulp Cthulhu provides substantial background about the history of the 1930s which may be relevant to play or which may inspire Keepers in developing adventures. Uses intelligence and analysis to understand the world. (Maybe Bran Mak Morn too). Plus, you have our Archetypes in Pulp Cthulhu seem somewhat forgotten beyond character generation. Adventurer The adventurer wants a life of excitement and thrills, and cannot exist within a normal, mundane job! It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Adjustments: Cookie Notice Pulp Archetypes Archetypes Below are some suggested archetypes for Pulp characters: Ace Reporter Suggested Skills: Investigation, Notice, Persuasion, Streetwise, Tracking Suggested Edges: Alertness, Attractive, Charmer, Investigator, Moxie, Photographic Memory Suggested Hindrances: Curious, Doubting Thomas Flying Ace - Talents can be dragged/dropped on actors (PC & NPC). Adjustments: Kind? Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Sidekick Reduces difficulty by one level or gains bonus die when making Repair rolls. Players may spend their Luck points to change the outcome of a skill or characteristic roll. Quick to anger, and ready to play dirty. How many mental disciplines are there with Cthulhu Pulp? If both STR and DEX are each greater than SIZ. Tough and Street-Wise, and understands the saying To catch a thief, think like a thief. Characters then get special mental, physical and combat talents before the player selects their occupation. Pulp Cthulhu is basically a tonal shift in which your Heroes are tough enough to take on the horrors, Luck is a major component of the game, and this game allows min-maxing to your benefit called Archetypes, so you can have adventures to the likes of Temple of Doom and 1990s The Mummy, with Cthulhu mythos creatures. The Heartthrob, the Rebel, the Cute Nerd, the Clown, and the Reassuring Older Sibling. Pulp Cthulhu is very much low level pulp and the weird part of pulp is not very developped. Now, allocate these points among your 8 occupation skills! - Core Characteristic: INT Magic Points: This is equal to one fifth of your POW. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Accounting, Appraise, Disguise, History, Law, Library use, Listen, Occult, Psychology, Science (any), Spot Hidden, Stealth. Pulp archetypes add a bit more of a focused concept to your character, and give you some added benefits! Character Generation | Cthulhu House Rules Plus, you have our Adjustments: I thought about making him 85 but since he is often described as having the strength of 10 men (hyperbolic I am sure) I made him 90. Thrill Seeker Norway. - Talents: any two (Strong Willed talent recommended), Egghead Adjustments: Is there that much of a discrepancy or could it still be played as a straight horror game? Step 1: Choose a Pulp Archetype and Talents! Your movement may matter however in determining simply whether youre faster or slower than something else! I choose the archetypes liberally withthe preferred characteristics andset of skills that seemed to match best and I have done the same for occupations. Halve the time required for Initial and Full Reading of Mythos tomes, as well as other bools. Adjustments: Klaus Teuber, creator of Settlers of Catan, has passed away. Luck: Roll 2D6+6 and multiply by 5 The House of Representatives is considering bill HR 734, which would alter Title IX's student sex discrimination protections, which currently protect against discrimination based on gender identity, to ban all trans and intersex youth from girls' and womens' school sports. During the Hero Development Phase, at the end of a scenario or a campaign chapter (Pulp Cthulhu, p.69/70), after players have rolled for experience checks, a Keeper may award the following if a hero's behaviour has exemplified that of their Archetype: +1D6 points to ONE of the listed Archetype skills for their hero, chosen by the player Honestly, for some pulp stuff for characters like the Phantom I would certainly look at Con-X Paranormal Sourcebook for various things like Telepathic illusion and that kind of thing - unless you are using telepathy as a catch-all type power to cover a gamut of abilities? Soaks up damage, may spend 10 Luck points to shrug off up to 5 hit points worth of damage taken in one combat round. - Significant People (Who matters to your investigator? Art/Craft (Acting) 75%, Climb 75%, Credit Rating 90%, Disguise 80%, Dodge 65%, Fighting (Brawl) 65%, Firearms (Handgun) 85%, Firearms (Rifle,Shotgun) 35%, Intimidate 80%, Language Other (Hindustani) 50%, Language Own (English) 80%, Listen 50%, Psychology 50%, Sleight of Hand 70%, Spot Hidden 65%, Stealth 70%, Cigarette Lighter with concealed spider stamp, Thin silken line with tensile strength of several hundred pounds. Characteristic dice rolls are made for you by the system (with a re-roll function). (e.g. Generally, they're a cut above normal folks, but tend to have a narrower focus than the main character (s). If you want access to this money, it will require a scene to be played out or discussed, as you sell off your goods to be converted into cash. With this book, some roleplaying dice, and the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, you have everything you need to adventure and explore games set in the pulp genre. May spend 5 Luck to reduce poison or disease damage and effects by half. Ihave not yet triedto add traits, personality and background elements. These archetypes (including, for example, adventurers, explorers, eggheads and sidekicks) help ensure that the characters which are created will "fit" into a pulp universe. Possibly also someone being overshadowed by another, who lacks the maturity to be the true, solo hero themselves. In addition to these 8 skills is the Credit Rating skill. Null: A Pulp Cthulhu Sourcebook - Chaosium | Miskatonic Repository I was also thinking about using World United (Mythras) or Astounding Adventures (BRP) but the fun was in trying Pulp Cthulhu as is. Whether they follow a clear spiritual path or some own code, they will always fight by their own rules, and never stoop to the low levels of others. I have shaved a few skills to improve Animal Handling to 40%. - Core Characteristic: Choose Either STR or SIZ And what about sidekicks? The place you were happiest (e.g. Just for fun, I decided to create a few iconic pulp characters using Pulp Cthulhu. By STR 65 CON 75 SIZ 60DEX 85 INT 80 APP 75 POW 75EDU 80, Move 9Damage Modifier 1d4Build 1Hit Points 27 Luck 70, Quick Healer, Strong Willed, Rapid Fire, Master of Disguise. (e.g. . If you are working with the DM to make a custom occupation, together youll come up with 8 occupation skills, a Credit Rating Range, and from what statistics youll derive you Occupation Skill Points (Which will most commonly be Education, or a combination of Education and something else). 22 Pulp Archetypes to choose from. . There are a range of new mechanics that increase player agency and character ability. Pulp Talents. His punches really pack a wallop. Your damage bonus will tend to apply as a penalty or a bonus during melee combat, while your Build shows how big and hefty you are. - Core Characteristic: Choose Either DEX or APP

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